CranioSacral Therapy
Through gentle touch, CST releases restrictions deep in the torso, increases mobility of the dural tube that surrounds the brain and the spinal cord, and corrects misalignments in the bones of the cranium. Light touch techniques are used to address conditions such as headaches, migraines, low back pain, shoulder pain, sinusitis, and TMJ dysfunction, among many others. CST restores the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and cleanses the body of toxins. It decreases hypertonicity of the sympathetic portion of the nervous system and is stress relief at its finest. Typically, restrictions are first addressed throughout the torso with myofascial techniques. The occiput is decompressed from the cervical spine and the sacrum from the lumbar spine. These two bones are then used to increase mobility in the dural tube that runs between them. From there the bones of the cranium are adjusted followed by mouth work to adjust the jaw and facial bones. This work comprises the technical aspects of CST.
This work ultimately connects you to your own inner wisdom; the knowing part of you that can self-correct when given the right conditions.
Working from this place, what's ready to be healed comes forward, no more and no less. don't have to know how to access this wisdom. I can tell you that you have it and that it can feel really good to learn to use it a guide.
Following are some other concepts related to CST:
An Energy Cyst (EC) is an area of contained chaotic energy. When a traumatic force enters the body, because of our densely laid fascial system the force may not be able to exit out of the other side. Much like the lymph system encasing foreign bodies when we get sick, this disordered energy is condensed and held. It’s a brilliant way for the body to contain and therefore reduce the effect of the trauma. The EC is an active lesion of inflammation and a disruption to the whole system. Sometimes the body assumes the position of the injury to allow the energy a clear path to exit the body. This is call Positional Release. Often physical pain in the area will cease when the energy cyst is released.
A Facilitated Segment (FS) is a segment of the spinal cord where the nerves are hypersensitive. The threshold for stimulation has been lowered, which means the nervous system is triggered more often than it should be. The hyperactivity of the motor nerves of the FS as they pass through the intervertebral foramen keep the sympathetic nervous system overstimulated. This can result in damage to the tissue and organs related to the segment. Stimulation to the nervous system almost anywhere will cause the specific nerves of the FS to fire. This means that a FS causes a lot of electrical activity, which is very taxing to the whole system. This can be treated by increasing mobility of the dural tube.
Somato Emotional Release (SER): Sometimes as tissues soften and return to a relaxed state, stored emotion leaves the body. This whole body healing is an advanced technique of CST that may involve the use of dialog and imagery. What happens here is a merging of the conscious & non-conscious to reveal an integrated way of resolving past trauma.
For more on CST visit the Upledger Institute.
Because I would love for you to be able to schedule 3 sessions* (see below) I offer a sliding scale. Pay what works best for you.
All sessions are one hour. Sliding scale is $70-$110 per session.
*CST is best experienced (initially) in a series of three sessions, as that gives us time to develop a bit of a rapport, gives me sufficient time to assess your system as a whole, and gives you time to begin to perceive the benefits. You do not have to schedule all 3 or even commit to doing so; this is simply a guideline that seems to work well for giving this gentle kind of therapy a decent chance.
*Please note-I have changed my online scheduler from Full Slate to Noterro, so existing clients will need to set up an account there. I think everything is working properly, and click here to text or email me if you have any problems.